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Wheat Field

6-Week Programs

Anchor 1
Anchor 2

"When we know WHY we regulate, the HOW becomes

a joyful, inspired choice.

A non-negotiable action."


Tani du Toit


Join me privately or in group sessions 

It's not about what you'll fix, it's about what you'll create.

When we do and effort in order to feel better, we run on counter-intuitive fuel and we end up exhausted. When we take inspired, heart-led action, sustainable change takes place. â€‹


My 6-Week Nervous System Reset and Self Development Programs are carefully curated programs that demystifies the inner workings of your Autonomic Nervous System and allows you to map your own journey from thrival to survival - and back. 


During these Personal Development sessions, we also delve into the concepts of Resistance, Tension and Egoic Structures.


You can also join these programs online from anywhere in the world or in a private session with me on the Sunshine Coast.

Group sessions are available in person only.

A unique and intuitive take on Autonomic Nervous System Regulation and Personal Development




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Don't ask How? Ask Why? 

Why do we do anything in life?  Because we want to. We do things because we want to feel better, be better, get better. We do things because we want approval, a sense of safety and control, to be unique, leave a legacy, or to be at one with the world as a whole.


It's when we start thinking HOW to do that, that we stop in our tracks. My Nervous System Reset and Self Development Program takes you out of the process of HOW and anchors you into the WHY.  Why? When we get involved in the HOW's, our body functions from survival mode. We either run ourselves ragged on auto-pilot or we simply procrastinate. Sometimes, we freeze and collapse in a heap. 


I invite you to answer the following: 


"Why do I want to feel better?"

"Why don't I follow my heart's knowing?"

"Why will my life improve, when I do?"

"Why will everyone, and the world, benefit from my wellness?"

"Why am I surviving and not thriving?"


Your answers will undoubtedly elicit feelings of tension and even stress in your head and body.


That tension right there is what this program will support you in regulating for, and WHY. Over time, you will learn to neutralise it with the power of your heart, and the way will open up before you, as if by magic, for you to truly live and love the life you deserve. 

See you there! 


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