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6w Reset Program for Two - in person

Six, weekly (or at your pace) sessions for 2 in person at Palmwoods. Join together or separately.

2 hr
1,200 Australian dollars
Chevallum Road

Service Description

Ideal for couples, family members, friends. This will take you on a self-reflective awareness journey where you will get to know your autonomic nervous system, release suppressed emotions, dissolve limiting fundamental belief systems and choose for your heart. What to Expect: This session is for you if you're looking for specific tools to improve your autonomic nervous system, become clearer, calmer and more confident. Using The Restore Method - informed by Polyvagal Theory, Energy Polarity, Breathwork and Guided Embodiment Awareness, we map how your nervous systems responds to stress, how to establish a feeling of safety and regulation tools for specific nervous system states. After 6 weeks, you can expect: - Insight into why and how your body seeks a sense of safety and how it interprets un-safety (not danger, but a lack of safe connection). - Insight into the role Vagus Nerve plays in Autonomic Regulation. - The Symbol of your Ventral Vagal Circuit as an anchor for Safe Connection. - Various tools to Restore your Breath and Energetic Polarity. - How to Regulate for Freedom and have the tools to return balance to your polarising views and perspectives, which is causing your autonomic nervous system to activate your survival in stead of your thrival brain. - A relationship with your Heart and your Authentic Self - and how to use your Heart to regulate you back to balance and clarity. - Awareness of what your Tension is, and why it stands in your way when you want to create the life of your dreams. - You will learn how to use Tension creatively when it shows up, and before it turns to stress, in stead of compensating for it with bad habits, addictions, excuses and oscillating behaviours and patterns. You will receive a host of tools and techniques that are best to regulate with, for BOTH your bodies. Payment plan in 4 or 6 available. You are welcome to contact Tani to discuss the content more. Click on any of the communications links to reach her. Couples who join and can't make all the sessions together, can attend when they are available, and within the same week. This allows for ideal content integration at home.

Cancellation Policy

Once the program starts, your program payment is non-refundable. Thanks, Tani

Contact Details

  • 50-52 Chevallum Road, Palmwoods QLD, Australia

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