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6-w Group Restore Program AM (Oct-Nov)

Adult Groups. Friday mornings Oct 4 - Nov 8, 9.30-11.30am

Starts 4 Oct
275 Australian dollars
Chevallum Road

Available spots

Service Description

What you can expect from The 6-week Restore Self Development Program: - Insight and understanding of how your Autonomic Nervous System works according to Polyvagal Theory. - You'll practice top-down (brain to body) and bottom-up (body to brain) regulation practices tools and techniques - You will improve your Vagal Tone (the health of your Vagus Nerve) - Address your dysfunctional egoic structures that create autonomic stress and oscillation in life. - Ins and outs of Energy Polarity, how it impacts your physical and mental health and how to optimise your energy flow - Understand what drives your, and others', predictable autonomic dysregulation - Address your triggers and how to regulate before you explode or implode - Learn valuable, scientifically-proven approaches to improve your physical and mental health - Understand the connection between suppressed and repressed emotions and health conditions and ailments - Become a co-regulating presence in your family's life and wider community - Take your personal power back - Enjoy a sense of calm, clarity and confidence What these sessions are not: - A stretching, sleeping and meditation class Please note: This is a structured program informed by Polyvagal Theory, Energy Polarity, Breathwork, Embodiment and Creativity (Alchemy). If you have any questions, feel free to book a discovery call and I'll answer your questions. Small group, so limited spaces are available. Your investment: $275 $100 deposit to secure your spot. The remainder will be invoiced and will be due on the first day/evening of your program. Please bring with you: - water - herbal teas and coffee supplied - notepad(s) and pens - your body as it is Please note: This is a set program. For unforeseen circumstances, like illness, I am happy to reschedule. Where you simply don't feel like attending, there won't be a make-up session but you are more than welcome to join the next group for the session you missed. No refunds once commenced.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If you miss a class, you miss the class. There will be no make-up sessions. Once the program starts, your program payment is non-refundable. Thanks, Tani

Contact Details

  • 50-52 Chevallum Road, Palmwoods QLD, Australia

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